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Contact Us:
To contact us, there are a few ways. We highly prefer that you come and visit us personally, but just in case you need any information or have any feedback or suggestions for us or our products and services, you are always welcome to write to us. Our store remains open all day from 10 am to 9 pm (IST).You can fill out the below form to write to us, or alternatively, the map below shows our location and directions. Please visit us to learn about the perspective of our artisans and their hard work to inspire and motivate them. Thanks in advance for supporting our small venture. We request that you please spread the love by sharing Thalir-LEED links as well as our The New LEED trust links on Facebook & Instagram pages with your friends and family. May you be blessed.

Contact Form:  📩

Click the link and feel free to ping us for any custom orders or suggestions

3204, TVH Ouranya Bay, Padur, Near Anand Institute, OMR, Chennai-603103

Shop on WhatsApp:

Production Office:
Thalir-LEED #19, Gandhi Street, Taramani-Perungudi MRTS Parallel Road,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Near Perungudi MRTS Railway station,
Chennai- 600096
Tamilnadu, India
Call: +91 9962012074 / +91 9840029773
Scan for the project office:

Every penny counts, and so does your support! (click) Help less-privileged women, single mothers, and economically backward and disadvantaged widows by buying products made by them. This will help them to live a life of dignity!

Thalir-LEED Bank details (click)
Donations, if interested: (Click below link)

To achieve our goal, we are in need of financial resources.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to support our work with donations at the below link. The New LEED Trust has been functioning since 1991 and is registered as a charitable trust (Reg. No. 934/2000, 12AA Income Tax Act, 1961). Deduction in respect of a donation to the institution is allowed under s. 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

No: CIT(E)CHENNAI/80G/2020-21/A/10152
*Your donation must be accompanied by the following information, as it is mandatory, as per the recent changes in government rules for NGOs 2020*

Full name, address, email, mobile number, or PAN number (for 80G IT exemption).  Please mail it to us if you are doing an online transaction along with the details.

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